
Jiamei Overseas Consultancy Group Co. Ltd. (JMOC) is one of the most professional consultancy organizations in Canada and China. We began providing immigration and education consulting services in Shenzhen China since 1998. Our head office is in Vancouver, branch offices are in Halifax, Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanjing and has been registered with their Registered Canadian Immigration Consultants  since 2004. Julie Tang has qualification of being a Commissioner of Taking Affidavits for British Columbia.
 Our company mainly provides professional consulting services for clients in Canada, China, the United States, Europe and other countries for immigration, studying abroad, home purchase, investment and other professional advisory services.
 We have a team of expert consultants, including well-known lawyers, certified public accountants, and senior immigration consultants from Canada, the United States and Europe, so as to effectively guarantee the professionalism and reliability of immigration and study abroad business, and ensure the pass rate of our clients' toward immigration of overseas countries. Our goal is to ensure their complete satisfaction of each customer. "Professionalism, integrity and efficiency" is the consistent working style of the company's entire service team.

加拿大嘉美海外移民留学顾问事务所(JMOC)成立于2004年,是目前加拿大和国内最专业的移民留学服务机构之一,公司总部位于美丽的大不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华,在中国有直属的深圳公司;同时拥有哈利法克斯,成都,重庆,南京等分公司。我们自1998年开始从事移民留学行业,Julie Tang作为首批华人注册移民顾问和加拿大卑诗省监誓专员,积累了20多年的行业经验,处理了各种疑难杂症,培养了大量的行业人才。

  • 温哥华:416 - 6378 Silver Ave, Burnaby, BC V5H 0J2;深圳:福田区彩田路3069号星河世纪大厦A栋819-820室;成都:人民南路四段27号商鼎国际1105室

  • 7783184268;18926587426;18925284650


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